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Other Committees 

Committees support Party functions; new members are always welcome.

Finance Standing Committee
This working group enhances our fundraising capacity through new and existing methods, including phone banks. It is chaired by the Party’s Treasurer.
Palmer Pattison, Chair

Rules Standing Committee
This committee creates and enforces rules for official party events, including conventions and special elections. It is made up of the House District chairs and chaired by the Party’s First Vice Chair.
Amber Hendrix, Chair

Platform Standing Committee
This committee drafts a proposed Party platform, which is considered, amended, and adopted by the delegates at our Nominating Conventions in each even-numbered year. It is chaired by the Party’s Second Vice Chair.
John Martinez, Chair

Candidate Recruitment Committee
This group works to recruit and help train good, qualified Democratic candidates for public office up and down the ballot.
Jade Velazquez, Chair


Judicial Standing Committee

This committee hears and adjudicates complaints about violations of the rules and provisions of the Party. It is chaired by the Party’s Chief Legal Counsel. Complaints may be submitted via the email address listed here.

Jiro Johnson, Chair


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